Recognise Terrorist Threats

Recognise Terrorist Threats (RTT)

Course ID: TGS-2019504806
This course is only for the low-wage workers in the PWM-Security Sector. From Ordinary to Extraordinary: Every security officer has the potential to be a hero. Recognise Terrorist Threats unlocks that potential, giving you the knowledge and confidence to transform from everyday guardian to vigilant protector. Master the skills, earn your certification, and become the hero your community needs. This course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge to recognise and deal with different types of terrorist threats.

Master skills to identify person-borne, vehicle-borne, and object-borne threats.

Get SSG-funded (up to 70%). Use your credits today and equip yourself with this course.

Unlock higher earning potential with this course and enter a career path that aligns with PWM.

Course Objectives

Entry Requirements

Nationality Requirements

Physical and Medical Requirements Requirements

Course Duration

Mode of Delivery

Net Fee
$ 300

Singapore Citizens < 40 Years Old & SPR
SkillsFuture Funding (50%)

Fee Payable

Singapore Citizens > 40 Years Old
SkillsFuture Funding (70%)

Fee Payable



10 & 11 Jan (Fri & Sat)
24 & 25 Jan (Fri & Sat)
14 & 15 Feb (Fri & Sat)
21 & 22 Feb (Fri & Sat)

This course is 1 of the 3 mandatory modules required for a participant to attain a security license and perform security duties in Singapore.

Check out our other two courses

Master Threat Recognition & Advance Your Career - Start Your RTT Training Now!